Re: Syslogd on Solaris

Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughes@Eng.Auburn.EDU)
Sat, 3 Sep 1994 19:40:22 -0500

What patch level are you running at (jumbo kernel patch 101318)
most of the patches between 40-50 break syslog in one way or another.
I suggest upgrading to 54 if at all possible. It seems to fix the 
syslog and other broken problems (like truss) without breaking
anything that we've noticed yet. (But we aren't counting our chickens
yet either. :) )

>From  Fri Sep  2 11:37:19 1994
>From: "Christopher A. Stewart" <>
>Subject: Syslogd on Solaris
>Precedence: bulk
>Has this been reported before?
>I've configured a Sparc 10 running Solaris 2.3 with full set of
>patches to be the loghost for a network of approximately 40 unix hosts
>of various flavors.. We are running Sunos 4.1.1 4.1., hpux 8.07 9.04,
>AIX 3.2 and Unixware 1.1.1 besides Solaris 2.3. Occassionally when it
>recieves a message it gets a seg fault, it then cores and exits..
>Anyone else seen this behavior and know of a fix?
>Christopher A. Stewart       | (Standard disclaimers are in effect)
>System/Network Administrator |
>Legent Corp. Networx Div.    |
>Bellevue, Wa. 98004          |
>Voice (206)-688-2154         |
>Fax (206)-688-2050           |

 Doug Hughes				Engineering Network Services			Auburn University